import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'
import santaUrl from '../assets/santa.png'
// The application will create a renderer using WebGL, if possible,
// with a fallback to a canvas render. It will also setup the ticker
// and the root stage PIXI.Container.
const app = new PIXI.Application();
// The application will create a canvas element for you that you
// can then insert into the DOM.
// load the texture we need
app.loader.add('santa', santaUrl).load((loader, resources) => {
// This creates a texture from a 'santa.png' image.
const santa = new PIXI.Sprite(resources.santa.texture);
// Setup the position of the santa
santa.x = app.renderer.width / 2;
santa.y = app.renderer.height / 2;