JavaScript Constructor

This tutorial is about JavaScript Constructor, which is a special type of function used to initialize new objects. Constructors are usually used to create objects with a certain set of properties, such as an object that represents a user with properties such as name, email, etc.

Why should you use it?

  • Constructors allow you to create multiple objects with the same properties.
  • Constructors are a great way to create objects with a certain set of properties.
  • Constructors make it easier to pass data between different objects.


Constructors are special functions that are used to create objects. They are used to initialize the properties of an object and set the values of the object. Constructors are called with the new keyword and can be used to create multiple objects with the same properties.

Constructors can be used to create objects with properties that are unique to each object, or to create objects with properties that are shared between multiple objects. Constructors can also be used to create objects from existing objects.

In JavaScript, constructors are functions that are used to create objects. A constructor function is a function that is used to create an object. The constructor function is called with the new keyword and is used to initialize the properties of the object.


In the following example, we create a constructor function called Person. This constructor function is used to create Person objects. Each Person object has a name and an age property. We then create two Person objects, john and jane, using the Person constructor.

// Create a constructor function
function Person(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;

// Create two Person objects
let john = new Person('john', 25);
let jane = new Person('jane', 30);


The Person constructor is used to create Person objects. The constructor is called with the new keyword and is used to set the name and age properties of the Person object. The constructor is called with two arguments, a name and an age. These arguments are used to set the name and age properties of the Person object.

The john and jane objects are created by calling the Person constructor with the new keyword. The constructor is called with two arguments, john and 25, which are used to set the name and age properties of the john object. The constructor is also called with two arguments, jane and 30, which are used to set the name and age properties of the jane object.

The john and jane objects are created with the same properties, but the values of the properties are different. The john object has a name property with a value of john, and an age property with a value of 25. The jane object has a name property with a value of jane, and an age property with a value of 30.

Using Constructors to Create Objects from Existing Objects

Constructors can also be used to create objects from existing objects. In the following example, we create a constructor function called Student. This constructor function is used to create Student objects. Each Student object has a name, age, and course properties.

We then create a Person object called john. We then create a Student object called jane using the Student constructor. The Student constructor is called with the new keyword and is used to set the name, age, and course properties of the jane object. The constructor is called with three arguments, john, 25, and 'Computer Science', which are used to set the name, age, and course properties of the jane object.

// Create an object
let john = {
  name: 'john',
  age: 25,

// Create a constructor function
function Student(name, age, course) { = name;
  this.age = age;
  this.course = course;

// Create a Student object
let jane = new Student(john, 25, 'Computer Science');


The john object is an existing object. The jane object is created using the Student constructor. The constructor is called with three arguments, john, 25, and 'Computer Science'. The john argument is used to set the name property of the jane object. The 25 argument is used to set the age property of the jane object. The 'Computer Science' argument is used to set the course property of the jane object.

The jane object is created with the same properties as the john object, but the values of the properties are different. The jane object has a name property with a value of john, an age property with a value of 25, and a course property with a value of 'Computer Science'.


Constructors are special functions that are used to create objects. They are used to initialize the properties of an object and set the values of the object. Constructors can be used to create objects with properties that are unique to each object, or to create objects with properties that are shared between multiple objects. Constructors can also be used to create objects from existing objects.